Zombie attack at Tybee Pier
19 June

Zombie attack at Tybee Pier

One of the reasons we hit the reset button on life was to get back to what matters most. We found Tybee Island, and one of the best things about it is the simplicity of life here. Wanting our kids to choose to be creators rather than consumers, we really try to guide them into creativity.  We make the choice to shop frugally and make do with what we have, rather than buying more stuff. Once we either sold or gave away 95% of our possessions, we gained a great freedom that we had not known before. Last week we took a quick browse through the only thrift store on the island, which is opened for a total of 6 hours a week.  Ava found a new tube of fake vampire blood for a quarter. This led us to plan a zombie photoshoot within  a couple of days.  We invited a friend to join us. The girls educated themselves on zombie makeovers using elmer’s glue and paper towels by watching YouTube videos and within an hour or so they were a pretty scary sight. Our plan was to shoot under the pier and have them crawling out of the water. However just as we walked out of the house a big storm blew in, with some of the most frightening lightening I have witnessed since moving here. We decided to continue with our shoot but from the safety of the pavilion. Even though we were covered, it did not stop the rains from blowing in, but that just helped by giving me some awesome reflections to work with.  I like the training that creative shoots provide, especially when things go differently than planned. Here are a few shots that were my favorites from the night. I think we all agree that we want to do this again soon!